Run: Race Previous Next


8:03 AM

3.1 mi


6:57 mi


160 lb


65 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

5 / 100 (5%)
2 / 10 (20%)
  • Map

<No name>


Great day to run. Plenty of competition and even someone sitting there for me to reel in. I did what I could do today and it was a far cry from where I was last year at this time, but it is something to improve on and still "not bad". All things considered, I ran about what I was expecting to run...around a 6:45-6:50 pace.

Spotted about 4 runners right away I thought were definitely either younger or well above me. Then an older guy with a torn marathon shirt and after talking with him and his 19:29 last weekend, I was thinking he might be the one to try and aim for.

I started out in 8th place, noticing the pace flexing between 6:08 and 6:40 and settled in around 6:30-6:40. Stayed there until about the first mile when I took a few places and moved up to 6th and finally 5th by the 1.5 mark. I could see the old guy and a kid just behind him, but I just couldn't catch 'em. At the 2 mile mark I felt like my pace had slipped and was seeing more 6:50 than I was 6:40. By the 2.5 mark I knew the 20:00 dream was gone and I was just trying to keep from having a disaster of a 3rd mile. Seeing anything from 7:00-7:49 during that last mile and I could feel someone behind me. I had a few kicks on some hills and then the final .17 I kicked in pretty good (5:55 pace and it even showed a 4:49 pace as my top speed during that). Good thing...the guy right behind me finished 2 seconds behind me. Held him off and placed 5th overall.

21:04 is the adjusted time for 3.1 miles, but I like the idea of the 21:30 so I can easily beat it on the next race.

Miles: 6:35, 6:45, 7:11 and 58 seconds on the .17 at the end.

1st mile felt very good. 2nd mile I could tell I lost a little, but still felt I could keep it up. Starting that 3rd mile, I could sense something wasn't right. It was like my arms were tired and couldn't "breathe". I know that doesn't make sense, but it was a strange feeling. Last year, I won this race (different course and location) in 20:30. This year, a guy my age won it in 18:59. 5th overall, 2nd in my div.

Mike Applegate's son, Drew, placed 3rd overall for the youngsters with a 25:15. I think he's around 9years old. Good little runner.

Next race...??? soon. Time to kick it in gear!



Congratulations. Nice race.