Run: Easy Previous Next


6:17 AM

6.1 mi


10:15 mi


118 bpm
145 bpm


55 F


5 / 10
8 / 10
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Easy 6


Avg HR - 66% of max.

I was having some IT band-like issues last week. After a lot of pigeon stretches and rest yesterday, it still seemed stiff and sore this morning. I switched to the Newton Momentums to see if they would make a difference, and I feel 100% improved! They seem to be a "slower" shoe, but perhaps they offer a little more stability. I'm not sure what the difference may have been. I do know that every time I have trained for an extended period of time in Gravitys or Newtons, I have started having problems and eventually become injured. Whe training with the Sir Isaacs and the Momentums, I have never had any issues whatsoever.

Run was followed by chocolate milk, 125 crunches, Rodney Yee mini-workout, pigeon, and 25 clam shells each side.
