Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:28 AM

7.1 mi


17.09 mi / hr


191 lb
147 bpm
161 bpm
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Well, this is the first bike ride with the GSC-10!

Unfortunately, there are a couple of issues here. First, it looks like I set up the 'alert' to happen at every mile. It beeped, but I guess it was not logging it as a 'lap', so I will have to fix that.

Next, where the heck is the category for Cadence and Wattage on Running Ahead!?!?!?!?! I am so disappointed. I will have to bring it up in a forum or something, because that was one of the main things I wanted to watch grow. (and an important number to crunch)

For the record, my Garmin said my average Cadence was 89 which I am super happy about! Figure 80-100 is where solid riders are supposed to be, and mostly I just want to be efficient. In the past, I felt like I was 'mashing' higher gears just to get a good burn, but I would rather save my knees and develop more of my 'slow twitch' muscles for longer distance riding. I also thought if I were to get my cadence up to 80-100 I would sacrifice speed, but that does not appear to be the case. I felt fresher, and went longer.




Nice work! That sucks that there are no cadence and wattage fields. I know there are other triathletes and cyclists on runningahead so it would be a welcome request. If you ask for it, I will definitely support that as well so at least there will be two people looking for it. I think it should be an easy change for eric.