Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:32 AM

5.5 mi


16.28 mi / hr


195 lb
150 bpm
160 bpm
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Ok, this may appear as an odd log, but it was an odd morning. Katelyn had me up just before 5am, so I fed her changed her and got her down by around 5:40. Figured I had a jump on the day, so I ate half a bananna, and got psyched about my morning run. As I was lacing up my shoes, I heard thunder and pounding rain

For the second time this week, I am all set and ready to go, but it is pouring rain. I had to get in a workout somehow, I was just determined this morning. Last weekend I did a ton of work in my garage to clear out a lot of space. This morning I got the ol' bike out, set it up on the trainer in my cold garage, gave her a quick tune up, filled the tires and got a water bottle.

Unfortunately, I did not have my padded bike shorts, so this was a slightly painful ride, but hey, I broke a sweat this morning. It was dripping off my nose. I pushed it harder in miles 3 & 4 and that is reflected in my heartrate above...pretty cool.

Being a stat hound, I wanted to wear the Garmin HR monitor and download the stats. My Cat Eye monitor on my bike said 20:23 min, 16.2 avg. and 5.53 miles, so I kind of combined the stats with the Garmin data above to give me some clarification on this workout. I will have to learn more about my Garmin and my bike, and get that bike add-on to monitor my cadence and whatnot. Crazy way to start Friday the 13th.



Awesome Joe! That is commitment. You wanted to work out and found a way to make it work despite the weather conditions with a great stationary bike work out. I think it's fantastic. One thing to note is the difference in HR between running in biking. I could never get my HR that high when I was biking even when I wash pushing hard. Hopefully this crappy winter rain will pass soon. From what I understand, nothing lasts forever. Even cold January rain. :)