Run: Easy Previous Next


8.6 mi


6:34 mi


Hoka Clifton3


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



Tiring longer run. Wanted to go for 30 minutes and ended up doubling it. I forced myself to go out slow and just be comfortable with this run, and let the fatigue set in. I want to run with my GPS for now on if I go on trails, just to be sure how long I go. Anyways, heading out it was rainy and windy. I wore a hat, long sleeve and a quarter zip with half tights. Socks were expedia I got from work. Hokas felt great today, I think they are finally broken in. Tried to avoid the water as much as I could, since it's been raining a ton this week. Wore gloves as well, so my body temp was perfect. Didnt feel heavy either. Headed out on the path, trail, path then trail. Going out was fine, and coming back felt even better. There was an unavoidable puddle on the path, so I had to step in it. I was already settled into my groove and just kept focus and eye contact ahead. Saw a deer on the path and didn't want to risk anything so I stopped for a hot minute. Hills were brutal coming back as well. Came back and stretched out. Legs are fatigued and nipples are chaffed. Kept my focus on the process, which helped a lot today.
