Run: Easy Previous Next


6:05 PM

2 mi


9:44 mi


91 F
  • Map

Priest Dam


63 days to MLM

2-mile warm up up and over the trestle hill

So, here's the thing: I ran this same workout a couple of months ago, but it was not after having run 18 miles two days earlier. Despite today's heat and humidity, I can tell my body has adjusted to the weather and it has adjusted to the traininng. I never felt I was pushing too hard on this tempo run. In fact, I could tell that had I had a training partner on this run, we would have been probably :30-1:00 quicker for each 2-mile block and would have done the warmdown faster. That being said, I am very happy with where I am at this point. The next 5-6 weeks should be interesting, in a positive way.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see the many overweight people exercising on the greenway. They were out there, despite the heat and humidity. That says a lot for their individual tenacity. Go overweight people! Work hard and pass me! I'll just cheer them onwards.
