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13.1 mi


7:11 mi


8 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


Ran 13.10 miles in 1:34:04.76 (7:10.9 min./mi) Today's plan, Kiawah Half Marathon in 1:30:00. A former law school classmate ask me to run with them in this race less than 24 hours before the start; bad idea. Untrained, unplanned, and not even close to race shape; and the results showed. The second half of this race was pretty good, but when your looking for ~6:52 pace, and your already four minutes behind at the 10k mark, it's easy to figure out that the plan is out the window. If I want to get in better shape, I need a good nutrition plan

Mile Splits: 8:20.14, 7:28.00, 7:25.00, 7:22.85, 7:16.92, 7:06.20, 6:58.80, 6:56.88, 6:58.12, 6:55.03, 6:59.05, 6:57.27, 6:41.63, 0:38.87 (0.10)

5k: Splits: 24:02, 22:24 (46:26), 21:33 (1:07:59), 21:32 (1:29:31)
