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9.2 mi


6:34 mi

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<No name>


Ran 9.21 miles in 1:00:27.34 (6:33.8 min./mi.) Today's plan, a 2 mi. WU @ 7:30 min./mi., 10k race @ 6:00 min./mi., 1 mi. CD @ 7:45 min./mi. Seemed cool at the start, but boy did it heat up in a hurry; heat and humidity really taking its toll on me by the finish, but what else would you expect on July 4th in Atlanta Georgia.

2.0 mi. WU: 14:31.10

1k Splits: 4:00.65, 3:58:89, 3:50.12, 3:33.65, 3:30.55 (5k @ 18:53.86), 3:33.87, 3:30.45, 3:40.54, 4:15.19, 3:54.17 (10k 37:48.08 - 6:05.2 min./mi.)

5k Splits: 18:53.86, 18:54.22

1.0 mi. CD: 8:08.16
