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20 mi


6:59 mi

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Ran 20 miles in 2:19:28.95 (6:58.4 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:20 min./mi. Had the chance to run with a friend of mine in the Windy City today. My friend is a sub 2:35:00 marathoner and I got caught up running his weekly long run with him . Super happy with the company for today's run and the result.

Mile Splits: 6:51.64, 6:46.97, 6:49.98, 6:50.80, 6:47.74, 6:50.12, 6:52.33, 6:52.72, 6:55.10, 6:55.97, 6:56.90, 6:59.95, 7:02.18, 7:03.75, 7;06.80, 6:56.20, 7:10.11, 7:10.16, 7:14.88, 7:14.65
