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10:09 AM

25 mi


21.79 mi / hr


155 bpm
162 bpm
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rpe 8-9+. 3rd intrvl zone 150-155. Stayed above zone alot. thus the avg hr 155 on the last intrvl. Worked hard. good effort. With about 7-8 miles to go, I did not bonk, but lost a little power. My effort was high, hr in the right spot if not above 155(like 157 or so) I could tell my fitness was catching up with me...But thats ok...I just took 5-6 days off from all training. Although, not what I wanted to occur. It was not surprising at this stage for me...I am aware of where I am and where I need to go....So I power through as much as I could and finished 3rd intvl 68mins+. I would have liked to have completed last intrvl under 67mins, but here again, I am ok with my workout. Good workout. Good effort.

Just for grins I check my avg speed on the last intrvl to the turnaround point. I knew it was going to be fast bc of the awesome tailwind on the way out to the turnaround point. Avg speed was 27.9 mph. I think that says alot about the headwind bc on this intrvl my overall avg speed was 21.8mph

nutrition: ~1088 Infinit 648 cals. I brought 864 cals. And actaully thought I had consumed all of it until I got home and realized I still had half a bottle remaining. Gels 440 cals. Less than I thought but still a good cal day. 3 bottles of water(one per intrvl). At this effort It would Difficult to get many more cals down. If I had been going at an IM pace and effort than I could have consumed more cals.
