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6:15 AM

81.5 mi


19.62 mi / hr


122 bpm
145 bpm


82 F
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rpe8. I hope this will be my effort level in an IM...Not easy but controlled. After 6 miles I began my easy/moderate effort. Road to Combine. At mile 69 regrouped and road easier...Besides the hills I kept HR below 140. And never poped 145. Very consistant ride for me today...Legs are fatigued a bit. But I feel good overall. nutrition began about 55 mins into ride. I was topped off when I began...Add to that I had no swim befroehand, so no need to begin nutrition right away..650 cals Infinit, 165 clas gel, 2 bottles water. Total cals 815..Not what I wanted to get in. Thats an avg caloric intake of 271 /hr.....That does not sound as bad. But I would still like to take in at least 25-30 cals per hr...Minimum...
