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7:39 AM

70 mi


18.84 mi / hr


125 bpm
157 bpm


75 F
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rpe 7-7+. Great ride. I felt great. The massage might have helped the soreness in my legs. Rode higher than race pace. But tryed stick a steady tempo. Thought I did a pretty good job of that. The weather had something to do with feeling good on the ride(very little fatigue in my legs). Even afterwards my legs have littel fatigue. Started this week off feeling ok. And I have graduallly felt better and better as this week has progressed. Excited about the next workouts.

I struggle at times with having fun in training. But come race day I have had some fun times. And I expect the upcoming race to really be fun for me...

864 cals of infinit plus one bottle of water.
