Run: Easy Previous Next


5:53 AM

5.3 mi


7:36 mi


140 bpm
157 bpm


25 F
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rpe7-8. This felt like a good run. Although all of my runsto this point have been positive, this run I was able to keep my HR down more so than previous runs. This will continue to happen as my fitness returns. But this was the first sign that my fitness is beginning to return...Ran ~32 mins and began 6x30secs strides with 30secs in between. Kept the strides hard but never all out. I gradually built the strides. The first being easier and the last being at a slightly greater effort. I felt good and controlled.

I have decided that running in minimalistic shoes are better for me. So no more heavy trainers(ie Tangents). I will run soley with Fast Twitch and see how my achilles and calves feel. This is the shoe I used during IMAZ trng and race. I am attempting to find out if it was the shoes that caused the achilles and calf soreness during my peak running weeks during IMAZ trng.
