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7:20 AM

105 mi


19.75 mi / hr


Long day. The wind was difficult. Brought 1 infinti bottle ~288 cals. 2 water bottles. I took in 4 water bottles. Next year bring 2 bottles of infinit and one water bottle. Pick up water bottle at the hand ups. There are 3 water hand upsor feedzones. Plus bring gel flask ~440 cals. Plus extras.

I cramped around mile 90. I feel if I had one more bottle of infinti that would have helped. At mile 60, Myself and another rider began the winning break. We caught the original break and got away and ended up with 11 in the break. With one mile to go everyone began sprinting. As I stood up I cramped again and just could not go. So I coasted in the last mile. Finished 11th. Still a good day. This was my first 100+mile ride since IM Texas May 2011. See Ya next year
