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6:45 AM

80.9 mi


19.02 mi / hr


95 F
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RPE 7-9+. 1.5 easy, 1.5 moderate, .5 steady harder than moderate .5+ easy...

I had A difficult time doing easy.for some reason my HR kept climbing a bit more than I thought easy effort should be, Just did not discpline myself enough to go easy today. avg HR 122 max 152. To much up and down on the easy...29.2 miles

next 1.5 hrs moderate avg HR 141 max 155, 31.66 miles. Do better at this portion of workout, but still had too much inconsistancy in HR.

next .5 hrs steady 9.53 miles avg hr 158 max 163

final 45 mins avg hr 128 max 161 ,,10.43 miles. At this point could not cool down enough to keep hr down even at an easy effort. And i had developed a bit of GI distress. The heat beat me up today. Which lead to my GI distress. I would not have taken in 1190 cals at this effort. I would not have added cals to my Infiniti in a race if I had know I was going to ride this hard. But this was a training ride. So I consumed calories as if i was riding an IM, but at way too high an effort. consumed 2 bottles of Infinit at 860 cals. plus 330 cals. gels 2+ bottles of water.

I was not able to rest today as I normally do. And I ate red meat(grilled burger and sausage. I am not used to eating like this. Which lead to my suffering on the next days run...
