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9:30 AM

5 mi


8:20 mi


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

104 / 208 (50%)
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T2 was 1:15, better than last year and I'm happy with it. My left shoe was wet from my wetsuit dripping on it. Dumb mistake, but not fatal. Never noticed it on the run.

Slow coming out of the transition. Felt sloshing from drinking but that went away in first 1/4 mile. Took it easy first mile and thought I turned it up, but 1 and 2 were 8:41, 8:40. Mile 3 was in the 7:50s, very nice and I tried to maintain that. Averaged 8:10 last 2 miles, mostly through trails. My breathing was 1:1 most of the race -- I was toast from the swim and bike. I think this is about all I had in me. Need to do bike/run bricks to build this stamina.

On the whole, a great race -- a breakthrough on the swim and I am still finding how hard I can push myself. My time was 15 minutes faster than last year where I thought I had raced hard...
