Run: Easy Previous Next


11:10 AM

3.3 mi


8:34 mi


132 lb
  • Map



Schedule: 8 easy

Yesterday I wasn't feeling too well, so was planning on doing my tempo today. Well, today my stomach wasn't the greatest and still pretty tired so didn't think it would happen today. I went anyway to at least get in 8 easy and try for the tempo if I felt my body could push through. I guess I'm in a pretty exhausted state right now cause there was only a slight chance of doing the tempo today. I got past 3 miles (the first mile was REALLY slow) and was thinking of doing 400 or 800 repeats just to get some speed work in. But, alas . . . those plans were thwarted. Just as I was about to start into them, one of the workers from the child watch came to get me because Jason had been crying hysterically for the last 15-20 minutes . . . he just was NOT himself. I know he's been getting his 2-year molars in, but this was the worst I've ever seen him in pain. He was shaking and could hardly move it was so bad . . . poor guy. Sooooo, took him and went home. Poor guy. :( 2-year molars are, no joke, like twice as bad as getting the other teeth in (and I thought those were bad)!

Anyway, LR tomorrow and may try to make up some miles on Sunday. My energy level should be coming back pretty quickly in the next day or two.
