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11:00 AM

13.1 mi


5:35 mi


54 F

Race Result

43 / 2778 (1.5%)
17 / 407 (4.2%)


New Bedford half marathon - going in I was thinking I'd be somewhere in the 5:30's, hoping for lower than higher. Temps were good, low to mid 50's and sunny - a little warm early on when the wind was at our backs. It was a windy day, and was a headwind for miles 3-9. Wind was definitely a factor, and slowed the pace some.

First few miles felt good and relaxed and pace was on target. A few hills in miles 3 and 4, and I passed lots of people on them. Don't know why but I always seem to run hills harder than others. After the hills we turned into the wind, and it was obvious I needed a group to draft with. Unfortunately, the hills spread things out, and I was in between packs. I decided to go for it and put a surge in to catch the group ahead of me. So much of mile 5 was spent at higher effort into the wind, trying to catch up. I did manage to get there and was able to stick with that group through mile 7.5 or so. At times the past was a bit faster than I would have done on my own, but I handled it OK and stuck with them.

Around 7.5 the course turns into a 1.5 mi slight uphill along the water, and the wind was strong and right in our faces. My little group broke, and the last guy I was drafting off of cracked, so I had to forge out on my own. This was a rough stretch, and the wind really cost me some time. Finally got to the end and took the turn to mile 9 and was able to get back into rhythm and pick up the pace. Ran just under 5:30 for the next 3, and then hit the hill in the last mile. This hill didn't phase me last year because I went out conservatively - this year was different. The hill was rough, but I made it without slowing too much, and then gave all I had on the downhill and last flat .1 for a 1:12:58.

Worked much harder this year, but I'm happy with the effort. Given the wind, I think it could have been a bit faster in better conditions. But no complaints. I'm happy with the PR and the sub 1:13, and I think I'm on target for 2:39 in Boston.
