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11:23 AM

6.1 mi


8:06 mi


45 F
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I had a paranoid moment on this run. It was raining/drizzling and I got on the Greenway not expecting to see anyone. On the stretch next to the tracks I came up on this guy walking kind of erratically and wearing street clothes. I got weirded out by him for some reason. He was talking as if he was on the phone with someone, though I didn't notice a phone or earpiece. I sped up a little, and then when I got to the bridge I noticed someone was underneath it. That weirded me out more, so I sped up more. I thought really seriously about taking the turn at the top of the first big hill that goes toward White Bridge Rd. but I decided to stick out the Greenway, and spent the next mile glancing behind me every 10-15 seconds. I'm sure it was nothing, but there was something about being back there where it's pretty isolated, and seeing those two guys that got me on edge. Anyway, I made myself slow down once I got back to civilization.

The knees felt fine. My right achilles was nagging me the entire run. I think it's leftover from the long run on Saturday. I definitely need to ease back into those since it's been a while.
