Run: Easy Previous Next


2:35 PM

10 mi


7:17 mi

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I got moving pretty quickly on this run. I didn't feel like I was rushing it, but it was just really easy and smooth for the first half. There was a huge hill about 2.5 miles in that I didn't slow down on much (had to run that hill twice, actually, since this was an out and back). Again, didn't feel like I was pushing it. Around mile 7 I started to feel a little hitch in my right glute/upper hamstring that nagged me for the rest of the run. It wasn't debilitating but definitely there. I have noticed it very lightly during some past runs, especially after hill sprints, but this was the first time that it has bothered me in a chronic fashion during a run. I tried to stretch it out really well afterwards, but it continued to bother me the rest of the evening. I woke up this morning, and it had basically subsided. I'm sure it's layover from the quick race on Wednesday and then 2 non-slow longer distance runs the two days following. I still haven't run today, but I'm planning on 4 easy on the treadmill and just keeping it an easy jog. I'll get some rolling in after that and assess the ass at that point.
