Run: Easy Previous Next


12:21 PM

4 mi


9:39 mi


160 bpm
194 bpm



4 / 10
7 / 10
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Riverway 4.2


Feeling SO guilty about my training. It's taken not even the back seat, but the TRUNK in the car of my life.

Work, family matters, trying to spend time with friends and going to things like weddings. I know, it's all excuses, I could easily step it up and make sure I get those runs it. But it just hasn't happened. And then the guilt compounds and you'd rather sit inside and sulk to yourself.

I'm almost afraid of running for fear that I've lost all endurance and fitness I built over the last 5 months. Which shouldn't be true but I surely haven't been running at least 3 days a week like I should be to increase my endurance.

Well, I could sit here and sulk to myself or I can wipe off the slate and say this is where it starts over. Because my marathon is in one month!

My friend trained for Baystate last year as his first matathon and never exceeded 18 miles in his training. He finished the race unscathed and in a decent time. I've already run 18 in my training. This gives me some peace of mind. Many people never exceed 21 miles in their training. I'm going to be doing 20 tomorrow (it'll be 10 degrees cooler than today, so yes, I'm putting it off ONE more day - but rightfully so!).

Anyways, I think I'm going to get up to 22. And then adding 4 more miles shouldn't be so bad. I've been adding 2 every other week, so 4 seems feasible. Especially with the excitement of the crowd and the event pushing you onward. The prospect of finishing a MARATHON pushing me forward!
