Run: Long Previous Next


4:40 PM

7 mi


10:35 mi


75 F


4 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Whew. Finally a GOOD run. I've been in such a crap hole lately that I was losing motivation and totally getting down on myself. I went out today and had a killer run. I've been more conscientious about training lately, making sure I don't skip too many days like I was a couple weeks back.

Ate a cinnamon bun and 2 pieces of cinnamon raisin toast about 30 minutes before. Drank about 2 glasses of water before and carried 20 ounces of Poland Spring which I finished right around by the end of the run. Slept for 3 hours before the run (needed to catch up on sleep desperately!).

Good run, yay! I'm semi-on-track as far as my training goes. I wanted to run the full 13 or at least 12 before I run my actual half but I've only got 4 weeks before the big day which means if I add 1 mile each long run up to the race, I'll end at 11 miles and then be running 13 the next week on race day. I guess that's okay, considering most training programs have you end at 10 miles the week before the race...and then run an extra 3? Damn! Two is enough for me to add on at once!
