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11:38 AM

18 mi


10:14 mi


153 bpm
190 bpm


67 F


2 / 10
7 / 10
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Sooooo.....I ran 18 miles in the rain!

That was a first. And it also felt AMAZING! Probably the best 18 miles I've ever run.

I breathed easily the entire time, tendon was relatively under control and not hurting and I never felt woozy or in pain.

I did stop each time I ate a Gu and made sure I stretched out my legs. I really think this helped keep me from getting tight and cramping up, at the end of the run, I was still going strong, though feeling a little lead weight in my legs. I had the will and energy to push, but my legs had trouble going as fast as I wanted them to.

I was realllly tired at the end of the run, so I got home, had a protein shake and passed out for 1 and 1/2 hours. Woke up feeling better and took 600 mg ibuprofen, feeling EVEN better.

Whoo hoooo!
