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8:08 AM

5 km


10:07 mi


183 bpm
197 bpm


45 F


8 / 10
4 / 10
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Yikes. Finally had to face my injury and realize I needed to see a doctor about my Achilles tendinitis.

It hurt the entire run, I was so stressed about hurting myself worse, I didn't even enjoy it, feared I should stop for risk of tearing my AT....just happy to cross the finish line.

Although there were plenty of folks saying I would get injured running the marathon, it wasn't really the marathon at all that did this to was the gradual process of training spread over the last 6 months with a lack of stretching that actually inflicted the Achilles tendinitis on me.

I'm entering this post on December 27, 2009 - about a month after the actual race because I've been so devastated over the last month not running that I couldn't stand to even go on my RunningAhead page!

I had my third and last visit with my PT last week. He was impressed with my progress and advised me I could begin running again! Albeit, slow and gradually increasing distance (of course)! And I absolutely need to incorporate stretching into my weekly routine. He said continue my stretches for about 2-3 more weeks at least (I'll probably do them forever considering the magic they worked on my AT!)

So I'm doing the stretching and getting ready for that first run....excited and nervous, and of course a little anxious at the prospect of the tendon beginning to hurt again if I start to run again.

I think I'm going to go out tomorrow (Monday, December 28, 2009) and do 2 miles, see how it feels for me.

Yippie!!!....However, to close out the year, I met all of my goals! Hit 500 miles, finish a 26.2 and keep going, all of which I've done. I'm amazed with myself, so proud and feel like I can do anything now!

We'll see what happens in 2010....
