Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:00 PM

10.5 mi


6:26 mi


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<No name>


I did not want to do this. It was hot and I was by myself and I had a 35 minute tempo ahead of me. 5 minutes into the tempo I was so close to stopping. But I just kept remembering my goals and my team and ended up finishing, and finishing extremely well with great form.

"I swear I'm so ready, but no one said the crown was so heavy, thoughts of giving up but ambition won't let me"

As summer training winds down and the season turns up, don't forget why you do what you do, why you put your body through hell everyday. I promise it will all be so worth it. Finished with core, lifting, and form drills.



Thanks for the motivation. Awesome week hitting 80 miles and still getting in a tough tempo. You will benefit from it. But this is the week to get recovered and feel good heading into team training on Sunday. Get reenergized. Proud of ya. Big things for you this year.