Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 PM

7.4 mi


6:19 mi

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Rain tonight, so nice. So fast too. I had a lot more in me. I coasted at 6:19 pace. When I did the strides in the last mile, I felt like I was doing high knees. Power. Spring. Have I ever told you about my theory of spring? I think I was in a good mood running tonight. So much of what we do is mental. Having a positive attitude can make all the difference between 25:20 and 24:50. This is why I love to encourage team bonding. Do you guys remember how Bill always said that he loved the team, that he ran well because we were cheering him on? BILL! BILL! BILL! I entirely believe that we helped him in those races, that we can help each other this fall by growing as friends and as runners. Team on three, family on six, right? So do you know what got me in such a good mood tonight? I started my run and I just zoned out, imagining that I was waking up on one morning during preseason. Was it a bad idea to daydream during a rainstorm in complete darkness? Maybe. But this is what I imagined. Wake up and jump out from under the covers. I'm not going to class. I'm heading to Ratner to run. Look over to see captain DanO also getting ready. We discuss whether we want to run to the point or do a loop of Wash on our walk over. Shirtless run around Wash it is. The boys are rather chirpy today. A lot of banter. People are poking fun at Forest's lack of a summer tan. A Boo Sam chant breaks out. The girls run straight to South. Lame. Practical. But lame. Breakfast is full of CTC, yogurt, and hash browns. An hour long conversation with the team that ranges from Russian politics with Renat (after his summer there), getting to know some of the freshman, and Blackstone ideas with the roommates. Head into the city with a small group of people. I didn't decide who and I didn't decide with whom. Could be anyone. Could do anything. So many possibilities. Lunch downtown. Expensive but worth it. We have a very funny run-in with an old man on the red line. He is a veteran and has a bunch of crazy stories. Return to campus just in time for the VO2 workout out in Wash Park. Coach is very excited. 8 by 1k at 2:55 with 3 minutes rest. Coach rides on his bike and shouts at us "Everyone in this City wishes they were you! Make it count!" The workout goes great. A couple guys struggle with the fast pace, but we are all very encouraging and pull everyone along on pace. People are tired. We all lift and do abs. One of the freshman tries to cut the abs because he wants to get to dinner. We laugh and say "What's the rush? Do you have homework to get to?" Two hour dinner is very yummy. Conversations include: a recollection of favorite holidays with Maggie and Catt, a discussion of the supreme court with Griffin, absolutely no mention of homework. And then we do something fun at night. I don't know what. Go to sleep early. Blackwell the following morning.



<3 <3 <3 <3


All of the warm fuzzy feelings