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11:00 AM

10 km


6:14 mi


165 lb
177 bpm
184 bpm


46 F
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Random Route


COMMENTS: Started off in the 3rd row or so... had to dodge some runners at the beginning. Going to same something the next time this happens. Picked it up after 400m after the downhill and settled in between 10-20. Saw Alex Glosband and was thinking of hanging with him, but he was a bit too far ahead for comfort. Felt comfortable at the 1st mile marker. Small rolling hills in 2nd mile and settled into a comfortable pace. Just before mile 3, passed by an older man. Debated with myself, then decided to hang with him. One steep uphill in this mile, and then a steep downhill, mile 3 much slower. After mile 3 marker, made the turn into school. Hung with older man from here... his breathing was ragged. Not ready for the hill on campus... intense desire to stop on the up hill. 3rd woman caught us here. Picked it up on the steep downhill and really looking for the mile marker. Older man threw in a couple surges everytime it looked like I was going to pass. Woman was sticking with us. Trying to stay within myself during mile 5 b/c I wasn't sure what I would have left. HR still <180. Mile 5 was faster. Mile 6 was tough. Just trying to hang on. As I was coming out of Dedham center, decided to surge to see if I could break the older guy. Woman passed me strongly here and I didn't have legs to go with her. Mild stitch setting in after mile 5. Really feeling the lactic acid just before 6 mile marker. Didn't really notice the last hill going towards finish line, but surged a bit here. PA guy made some comment about our sleek BAA white/blue uniforms as I crossed the finish line. In retrospect, I probably should have gone with the woman to really test myself, but not a bad result considering Boston Marathon was two weeks ago.
