Run: Warm-up Previous Next


2 mi


8:00 mi


46 F
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Random Route


COMMENTS: Sleeping better after bad allergies during the week. Woke up to text message at 6:45, then went back to sleep. Alarm at 8:15. Had one multigrain waffle and some water and got dressed. Out the door at 9:05 to pick up Chris and Ramses

Arrived at Endicott estate around 9:45 and found a good parking spot on site. Got out to wonder around, then sat down for a bit. Started warm-up at 10:15.... ran about 2 miles. A little chilly at the beginning and then warmed up by the end. Feeling pretty loose and ready. Met CK and Chris back at the car at 10:40 to change into racing gear. Quick pit-stop and then to starting line. Ambushed by Sean near the start line. Did out and back strides with Ramses, and then settled into the pack.
