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8000 m


5:38 mi

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<No name>


I started this race tired. I was hurting during the 90s tempo and my legs were already burning by the bottom of the first hill. Pretty much everything cramped at some point after the race... both calves, both hamstrings, and my right quad experienced some level of cramps. Overall I came into the race tired and didn't get any better.

That said, I think I ran moderately well given the course and how I felt coming in. I was 30 seconds slower than last week, which is a little worse than the adjustment that Livote came up with (24.5). However, I feel like I went out smarter today (5:26 instead of 5:19 - probably the only accurate mile split all day...) and I don't feel like I died at the end as much as I did at SPAC. I was doing well until the second long straight, where Debronsky and Joe Frank caught me. I really felt fatigued on that stretch, but was able to pull myself together to get past the first of the 2 remaining hills, but I could not recapture any sense of rhythm after that. By the last hill I was completely shuffling. I was able to get going a little on the backside of the last hill, mostly because I was with some Hamilton guy and I was pretty pissed with Hamilton as a team because of the one idiot who kept grabbing my arm... It would be really nice to have some sort of competition like that in the closing meters of every race.

I shuffled most of the cooldown and was not really able to run from location to location to cheer for the Girls.
