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This weekend was totally crazy and I did a really lot of walking. Almost killed Minhaz I think... Anyway:

My back was hurting a lot at the start and hurt almost the entire bus ride there on Friday morning/early afternoon. Friday evening and night and most of Saturday were also pretty bad. I had no time to take care of it, was out the door early and got back really late both nights. I figured it was just going to hurt the whole time. Then Sunday, it all of a sudden stopped hurting at all. It didn't bother me at all until about 10:00 pm - the 7th hour of the bus ride back to Freiburg. Then it hurt really bad, like as bad as on the bus to the Dartmouth back in February, but then it went away again after I got back to Hochdorf and went to bed. Now, Monday, I do not notice it at all, so I do not know what is going on.
