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8:10 AM

12 mi


9:33 mi


156 bpm
176 bpm
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River Road

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I was not looking forward to this ... but I'm happy with the results! We were a bit fast on the Tempo/GRP miles. I ran the first 7 with a group, but then Angie ran the last 5 with me. She is quite a bit faster than me -- she was trying to stay at 9s but the pace kept creeping down. I felt pretty good the first 2 miles -- I was able to still chat. The last 3 were a bit tougher.. partly because it was deeper into the GRP miles, but also at mile 3, we were going up Franklin (not the really terrible part of Franklin, but still a gradual uphill). There also was a really strong wind blowing right in our faces that entire direction, which lasted until we turned around for the last 3/4 mile or so. It was so strong we couldnt even hear each other talking. I think it would have still felt hard, regardless of the gradual uphill or wind, but those definitely added to it.

Rob had warned me going in that it was going to feel crappy -- he said that even though he just did a full marathon in December, that doing GRP feels awful right nown because he's not used to it. That helped going into it. It didnt feel great for sure, but on the plus side, I never had a "I cant do it!" moment.

My leg felt good the whole run. The only thing I felt was a bit of tightness on my outer hip, the last quarter mile or so. It did hurt a little bit after the run, sitting on the hard chair at breakfast, but not too bad. I'm icing just to be on the safe side.
