Run: Hill Previous Next


3:03 PM

6.7 mi


10:23 mi


136 bpm
169 bpm


43 F
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Yay .. ended up being able to run outside! It was so warm today the paths cleared off nicely.

The bad news -- I had a session with my trainer this am. This was maybe my 5th or 6th time with her. In the past, the workouts havent been too tough, so I thought I'd be fine running afterward. Of course, today, it was a harder session! She had me attached to a bungee cord and had me run out til there was a lot of tension on it and then run in place with high knees for 30 seconds, and then squats/side steps out pulling on the bungee cord.

So ... my legs were a little sore the first mile or two, but not too bad. I started the first hill -- and man, a lot of non-ladylike language came pouring out of my mouth. I thought I had worked out the soreness on the warmup and it really surprised me on that first hill! It got a little better on the rest -- if only because I was more mentally prepared for them. (thats why that first hill was so slow!). My pace wasnt as fast as I've done these in the past, but not too bad. The path was perfectly clear, so I dont have that to blame.

I will say, I kept envisioning the Devil sitting at the top of the hill in a tall lifeguard chair watching me run the hills. As soon as I would start each hill, he would hit the Wind Button and a big huge gust of wind would smack me int he face. And of course the gust would die down when i got to the top of the hill and on my way back down. I think I ran against wind gusts on 11 of the 14 hills!

RA definitely slowed these paces down. They werent my best, but they were faster than this shows. My best one was 6:11, most were around 6:45-6:50. The sucky first hill was 7:55.
