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8:30 AM

13.1 mi


9:41 mi

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Earth Day - St Cloud

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This was a good and bad race all rolled up into one for me.

On the good side, I PR'd by a little under 12 minutes from my first half last fall.I felt AWESOME the first 9 miles. I was right on track to hit my 2:05 goal. My hip was twinging a little bit early on, but overall I felt great both physically and mentally.

On the bad side, I pretty much fell apart during mile 10. The hills just killed me. I knew there was "a" hill around there, but it was a lot more than I was expecting. It was not "a" hill, but felt like 2 miles of hills, with an occasional flat or downhill thrown in here and there.

Starting out too fast did not help either. I was dumb and did not follow my pace plan...the race started, and I just got it stuck in my head that I needed to just stay with the pace guy and I'd be fine. Well, I stuck with him the first 9-10 miles .. .and he was quite a bit faster than planned 9:33 pace the whole first 6 miles! So combine that with the hills, and I broke down the last few miles.

Still very proud of myself and happy with my overall time even though I didnt make my goal of 2:05. I had an original goal of 2:10, and only upped it to 2:05 after Human Race ... just one month ago.

Note: I changed my time to match the official time, but it doesnt line up exactly with my times from my Garmin.
