Run: Easy Previous Next


12:11 PM

6 mi


10:00 mi


138 bpm
160 bpm


62 F
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We were originally going to run with the team at Lebanon, but the weather was a bit dicey then, so Rob & I opted to wait out the rain and run from home. I was a bit nervous, given the twinges on BH (bad hammy) yesterday. BH felt kinda tight all morning too. Not painful, just tight. I sat on a heating pad for 30 mins before the run, then rolled it really good -- and thankfully it felt pretty good. About 1.5 miles in, I told Rob I could feel it -- just some tightness -- but not enough to feel like it was affecting my gait at all. By about 3 I couldnt feel it anymore. So I feel pretty relieved. I'm sitting on ice (on both legs, even the Good Hammy has been painfree and tightness free most of the week). I think I'll be fine for the 20 tomorrow, but I'll keep a close eye on things and will either moderate my pace or distance if I feel anything of concern.
