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6:04 PM

4.2 mi


8:44 mi

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15:00 Tempo (8:30)

1 Lap Recovery

5:00 Interval (7:50)

1/2 Lap Recovery*

10:00 GRP (8:47)

*Was supposed to be 1 lap but I misread and thought it was only 1/2.

Felt pretty tired going into this workout; legs were definitely feeling the race and faster-than-I-should-have-run long run on Sunday. I thought for sure at the start that I was going to struggle during the workout, but once we started I actually felt just fine.

First speed workout in my new shoes; Had a little bit of numbness in my feet, especially my left one. But thats pretty normal for me in new shoes. I think they're going to be pretty good ... they feel quite a bit more cushioned; I felt less jarring in my lower legs, expecially my shins. My left arch was feeling it a bit at the beginning but that went away.




Just checking in, I'm still a little confused as to what pace you are training at for the 1/2? Approx. a 1:55? I just want to make sure that you are able to nail your proper paces and not over train.

Based on a 1:55 1/2 here are your correct paces:

1:55 - 1/2 marathon

8:30 - Tempo Pace

7:50 - Interval pace

10:10 - Long Run pace. I'd add :30 to 1:00 per mile for recovery days

8:47 - Goal Race Pace

See you soon

Coach Ron