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9:11 AM

7 mi


9:07 mi


169 bpm
188 bpm
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Note: I had the full workout (11 miles + the 1 hour progression + whatever was left for cooldown) programmed into my Garmin, but zoned when i started and forgot to start the workout on my watch. So I just recorded them separately, so i could still use the 20 min portions on my Garmin. This is just the last 7 miles .. first 11 is in separate entry.

We started at 7am because we thought it was going to be super stormy at 10 --- turned out that didnt happen, but I was still glad to have started early. It got pretty steamy at 10 -- and also really crowded around Harriet.

Funny how the mind works -- as I was finishing up the first 11, I had my typical "I'm not sure I can drop my pace this much...." thoughts. But then I started the workout and I did not struggle at all. It was a pretty solid day, in fact. I was working hard, for sure, but it felt pretty doable. In fact, up until the last mile or so, my mind was wandering and thinking about other things which never happens when I'm working super hard or struggling.

My paces are pretty raggedy -- not overly consistent. Part of that was deliberate -- I was way too fast the first mile, so I dialed it way back on the second mile. Was afraid of not having enough left in the tank at the end. I was a little too fast on the second 20 mins too, but the first mile was on track. The last 20 mins -- I was way fast, but hey .. better to be too fast at the end? Just happy to have still felt strong enough to hit those paces .. plus I kind of had a "ok, I'm finishing the race..." kind of mentality for the last 1.3 or so.

Avg for first 20: 9:21

Avg for second 20 mins: 9:06

Avg for third 20 min: 8:42

Especially feels good to have hit these paces (a) at the end of an 18 miler and (b) at the end of a pretty high mileage week. The weather was also pretty steamy the last hour too.
