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2:40 PM

21.5 mi


13.16 mi / hr


10 / 10
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Gilman Trail


Murphy's Law states that "if anything can go wrong, it will". Never has this concept been more evident than on the afternoon of Saturday, March 28th, 2015. The incident began when young Hendrik joined his companions, Tanner and Trevor, for a bicycle ride through the Trails of the late Virgil Gilman. The cyclists had anticipated a higher attendance, but many had withdrawn from the event to fulfill other matters. During the first mile, the trio was startled by the influx of mosquitoes, which occupied every square inch of their garments. By the sixth, Trevor's bike-chain had become disarranged. The issue was quickly resolved, but a further examination revealed that his tires were deflated and his breaks were nonexistent. The adventurers journeyed back in search of a new bicycle for Trevor. Tanner now conducted the defective bike. Despite his efficiency and gentleness, a pedal fell off along the way.

Upon arriving to the house, Trevor was granted Mrs. McQuality's bike, and the cyclists resumed their trek. Although this was a significant improvement, Trevor still lingered behind. Once every mile, his friends would pause to wait for the tiny orange speck that was Trevor. After several minutes, he would appear in his torn pants, traveling at 5.3mph with a heartrate of 285bpm. The voyage continued like this until the the young men were at the cottage once again. Chilled and fatigued, the gang decided to replenish their bodies with 7-Eleven Slurpees. Hendrik began the trip by bicycle, apart from the group, but this proved to be a mistake. His bike-chain came loose and could not be repaired. After placing the bicycle in the back of the Lexus, Hendrik sat on Trevor's lap, the only unoccupied space remaining, and they cruised to 7-Eleven. These occurrences represent only a fraction of the myriad things that went wrong on this day. "If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written" (John 21:25b).



This is by far the funniest thing I have ever read on RunningAhead. Well done sir, well done.