Elliptical: Elliptical Previous Next


7:00 AM

4.3 mi


8.6 mi / hr

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Coach was upset with the hurt squad today. Apparently it's our fault that we haven't recovered because we don't sleep enough or aren't tough enough. I'm getting 9 hours of sleep every night and the last time I tried to tough out an injury, I got a lecture from coach about how I should let him know and not overdo it.

I didn't really plan on going hard for this elliptical sesh, but on the last 13 minutes I went ham. I bumped the resistance up to level 12 and stayed at a consistent 100rpm. I was racking in the dots like pacman in a ghostless arena. My heart rate eventually reached a consistent 180 and it maxed out at 183. I haven't been logging these elliptical sessions, because the purpose of bEAST is to provide extra cardio, and this isn't really extra. It's all I'm doing.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to do a 3 mi. walk, and then a mile run on Sunday if I feel okay.
