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5.4 mi


5:56 mi


This was surprisingly easy! After getting into a groove in the first mile or so, this felt really controlled and it was almost unnervingly easy to stick around at this pace. Took a wrong turn where there was a "turn right" sign with a "turn left" sign immediately across the street that I guess was telling me to run on the right side of the road rather than the left. I missed the second sign and went down a side road that I shouldn't have, but I felt like this was mostly my fault for not looking at the map of the leg for more than 10s today. Lost a little time with the extra distance and there was some standing time as well when I didn't stop my watch, but still averaged a good pace and didn't panic too much. This made me feel like my recent tempo workouts should have been faster, but I think this mostly felt good because of the consistent, gradual downhill and the cool temperature. Still, this was encouraging.

Splits were 5:48, 5:57, 5:59, 6:04, 6:00, 1:55 (5:30 pace).
