Run: Easy Previous Next


4.2 mi


10:40 mi


Post-mullet in the heat and on the hills. It was fun to be on trails but it was not a very good time of day to run. Heart rate was around my typical easy-run zone or even slightly lower though so this was a productive outing. Didn't tie the shoes tight enough at first which made them feel weird. I'm on the fence about bringing these to Colorado, but actually I'm not sure what other shoes I really want to bring anyway. Bumped into a couple dudes also running and they asked what trail I was on but I had no idea, which was kindof funny to me. No hat and short hair felt very different but very good!

Had a lot of fun getting a haircut with Kyle and chatting after in the general store and while walking for a few minutes. It's been great hanging out regularly the last few weeks with runs and now this.
