Run: Hill Previous Next


3.7 mi


8:03 mi


Wow this was hard. Originally I was thinking 10x60s hill 120s off but this hill was too short and a little too steep, so I changed to 45/90. That was still WAY hard and I was struggling to run under 6:30 pace and actually almost nauseous. Held it together for 9 reps and then shortened the reps even more to 30/75 and finally felt within myself but they were still tough. Ended up with 9 45s reps and 6 30s reps. This was a sit-on-the-curb-for-a-couple-minutes-after-finishing kind of workout.

Goal was 5K effort but maybe I overshot it? I definitely want to do more hills, this was embarrassingly hard. Glad I did it though. Jogged home and ate a whole can of chipotle baked beans (first time trying them they were great) and a big pea protein and berry smoothie.
