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5.9 mi


6:08 mi


Nominally 6 miles. I feel like this went almost as well as I could have hoped. Felt decent for it being 4:30am and already having some miles in my legs. Early on I could tell I wasn't going to feel all that good but I never felt bad, so I just tried to keep the effort in the zone that felt about right, which was just a little faster than comfortably hard. I tried to use the downhills and keep the effort steady on the uphills without going into debt to get up them. Part of me wishes I ran a little faster, but I can't be upset with this. Seemed like there were only pickup trucks in the road, and that they all swerved slightly closer to me as they came by, but maybe that's just how it felt at the time?

Splits were 6:01, 6:08, 6:04, 6:06, 6:16, 5:35 (6:08 pace).

The 6:16 mile had what felt like the most climbing in it and I was definitely running out of legs to run uphill. Here's where I could have worked a little harder maybe?
