Run: Progression Previous Next


7.3 mi


6:55 mi


Ran to Lucas', then home, then back to Lucas' to start off because I wanted to give him my second copy Great Hiking Trails of the World but accidentally brought over the copy that Pierre and Liz wrote a note in for me. After that, we did a reverse airport loop but took the bike path back to keep it a little on the shorter side. We talked a little about how we both feel a little behind in preparing for this half and either that motivated us to run faster or we just felt good because we got down to about 6:30 pace and my 7th mile, which included about half of the run home from Lucas', was a 6:16.

7:39, 7:09, 6:55, 6:46, 7:05, 6:38, 6:16, 6:23 pace for the last .27.
