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15.4 mi


7:10 mi


This was kind of an adventure. Went out around 6:20 and it was darker than I expected but I figured I'd be on Salisbury before it was really dark. Not the case. It was fairly dark when I turned off the normal Reservoir loop to head toward Holden and I was over 7 miles and still hadn't hit 122 so I assumed I had taken an early turn and was headed for nowhere. I turned around and added on just a little near home to hit 110 minutes. Looking at a map after the fact, I was actually on the right road and about 0.75 miles from the center of Holden. Oh well, live and learn. This run went by super fast actually, felt shorter than even last week somehow.

Stomach wasn't great but wasn't terrible on this run. Legs were feeling a bit beaten up for the first half, notably my left ankle/heel. I am going to go real easy tomorrow and maybe push back Wednesday's workout (but hopefully not because that will get messy), plus spend some extra time rolling out.
