Run: Race Previous Next


5:53 AM

26.2 mi


9:18 mi


159 lb


50 F


8 / 10
6 / 10

Race Result

2296 / 14940 (15.4%)
254 / 1096 (23.2%)
1735 / 7801 (22.2%)
  • Map


Walt Disney Marathon, Orlando FL! Very early start 5:50am, had to wake at 3:00am to get buses to staging area and starting line. The walk from the staging area to the starting line was about ¾ of a mile. Over 20,000 runners, very crowded, but not like New York. Disney did a good job of organizing the event.

Did not run as well as I had hoped due to the lingering injury issue with my left shin. Considering I could barely run at all the week prior to the marathon due to pain, I am happy to be able to finish the marathon.

For the first half of the race, my shin bothered me, then it felt better. At about mile 20, my quad began to cramp and I could not always run. I feel I was ill prepared due to lack of long runs in my training. The longest run I was able to complete was about 15 miles.

The course was lovely, with great support from Disney employees, characters and many many spectators.

I was surprised at the amount of long lonely road between the parks.

I would certainly due this race again and possibly the Goofy!

I am not going to run until the end of January now to give my leg/shin a change to heal.
