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11.5 mi


6:58 mi

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Ran out to Greene Valley and back. It was really nice to get on the limestone trails and minimize the amount of time we were on the roads. The first 5ish miles were a little rough with my hip feeling a little tight but by the time we started heading back I felt loosened up. The pace was pretty up and down for the most part with a range from 6:45-7:15. We had a solid group of seven, including Andy, for the entire run, which was good to see. At times schroeder, jeremey and I got a little strung out behind the other guys but by the end we had all caught back up again. I really enjoy runs like this as they are usually a pretty good indicator of what kind of shape I'm in. I'm still not where I'd like to be (the hills on the way back were more of a challenge then I thought they would be) but I'm definitely getting there. Maybe next week we can try to hit the trash hill and see how that goes?
