Run: Easy Previous Next


12:00 PM

6.2 mi


0:19 mi


15 F


7 / 10
6 / 10


W9D1 completed. Got a little tired toward the end, but made it with little problem and kept walking to 5K turnaround and back home. Very cold today, but little wind, so it was actually pretty nice since I was bundled up. Stocking cap, earmuffs, neck warmer, 2 LS tech shirts and fleece hoodie, running gloves. Today I tried the hand warmers for the first time and they made a big difference; no frozen fingers.

I forgot my running bra today! Too much gear, I guess.

Felt tired on the way home. Felt pain in my right hip, and in the arthritic joint of my rt large toe. More than usual for some reason.
