Run: Interval Previous Next


8:07 AM

4.5 mi


10:30 mi


50 F
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<No name>


Warm up: 1 miles easy running, 11:30-12:30/mile

Main workout:

2 x 10 minutes at half marathon pace (9:30-9:40/mile) with 3 minutes easy in between

Cool down: 1 miles easy running, 11:30-12:30/mile

After I started, I realized that my 10 minute intervals would be more than 1 mile, and I had my watch set to auto-lap every mile, so I did a manual lap after 5 minutes, because I figured it would be easier to have two 5 minute segments than, say a 9:33 segment and then a 27 second segment. I didn't change my pace at the 5 minute mark of either interval, I just hit the lap button and kept going.

The weather was pretty close to perfect. My legs felt a little tired late in the second interval, but I still managed to get under my goal pace. I also made sure to jog instead of walk between the intervals and during the cool down. I also added an extra tenth of a mile to the cool down to get to 4.5 miles.
