Run: Interval Previous Next


5:46 AM

8.8 mi


10:35 mi


68 F
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<No name>


1.5-mile w/u, 1 mile @ TH w/1:00 recovery, 2 miles @ TH w/2:00 recovery, 1 mile @ TH w/4:00 recovery, 6x30sec @ REP w/90sec recovery, 1.5-mile c/d

Holy crap.

6x30 REP got added at the last minute. Allen said they were optional. During 1st Interval, I thought, "No way." By 3rd interval, I thought "Well, I can do about 4:00 of recovery, then if I'm up for it go into repeats, and if not, include those 4 minutes with my cool down." I did the repeats and kicked ***.
