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8 mi


7:30 mi


20 F
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<No name>


Crazy first run in Colorado! Wasn't sure what I wanted to do since I've felt banged up last week, I arrived today, and the weather was crazy. At first I was going to run at Wash park in Denver, but last minute decided to drive out to Green Mountain in Lakewood. Might as well experience as much as possible while out here. Plus my legs were feeling okay.

The run - The green mountain loop starts off going straight up. I was immediately in oxygen debt. The trail was also uneven from all the snow. The conditions were tough, with lots of wind and snow while climbing. The funny thing is I enjoyed every bit of it. Once at the highest point I took some amazing photos. My phone fit perfect in the tights. The rest of the run was manageable, but I wrecked my quads coming down the mountain. Overall an amazing experience!
